Genre: Comedy
Director: Dennis Dugan
Cast: Adam Sandler, John Turturro, Emmanuelle
Chriqui, Nick Swardson, Rob Schneider
RunTime: 1 hr 53 mins
Released By: Columbia TriStar
Rating: NC-16 (Sexual Humour)
Official Website:
Opening Day: 19 June 2008
In You Don't Mess With the Zohan, a comedy from screenwriters
Adam Sandler, Robert Smigel (Triumph the Insult Comic Dog),
and Judd Apatow (Knocked Up), Sandler stars as Zohan, a top
Israeli commando who fakes his own death in order to pursue
his dream: becoming a hairstylist in New York. Though he wants
to put his life of counter-terrorism behind him, he quickly
finds that it is not so easy to escape one's roots. As enemies
old and new try to take him out, they will all come to learn
the same thing: you don't mess with the Zohan.
Movie Review:
Adam Sandler has three persons to thank for in “You
Don’t Mess with the Zohan”. Adam Sandler himself,
Adam Sandler’s stunt double and Adam Sandler’s
artificially enhanced ‘enormous package’.
me to present my case further, Sandler has been in countless
of earnest, goody two shoes’ roles for most of his career.
“Waterboy”, “Mr Deeds”, “50
First Dates” and “Anger Management” just
to name a few. And with “Zohan”, he is attempting
something riskier, something which truly shows the naughty
side of him. To begin with, he is a hoot with his spot-on
Israeli accent and those audiences who are fans of Sandler’s
antics will roar with laughter as he opens the movie as an
elite commando. The man fights like Superman, swims like Aquaman
but hides in his room at night thinking of being a hair stylist
while holding his long overdue Paul Mitchell’s catalogue.
Against his arch-enemy, a Palestinian agent nicknamed The
Phantom (John Turturro), he is practically undefeatable. You
got to credit his stunt double for those exaggerating action
sequences and with that, it sum ups the tone of the movie.
It’s an all-out, nonsensical comedy that has Sandler,
Judd Apatow (Knocked Up) and Robert Smigel (SNL) taking up
writing duties.
you still don’t get it, think about those Wong Jing
and Stephen Chow’s comedies which were immensely popular
in the nineties and eighties. Making fun of the anatomies
was so common in those cheaply done HK comedies that most
of the lines seem to be regurgitated on the spot. Similarly,
the crotch-a-minute gag becomes the centerpiece of this movie
when Zohan fakes his death and relocate to New York to answer
his calling. With the horny Zohan grinding his ‘enormous
package’ up close while styling the hairs of his elderly
lady customers, the movie gives a new level to the word ‘dumb’.
his stint as a Japanese wedding coordinator in last year,
“I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry”, Happy
Madison’ regular Rob Schneider continues his offensive
trail as a Palestinian cab-driver who is bent on revenging
against Zohan after he took away his yes a goat! Nick Swardson
who appeared in memorable cameo roles in movies such as “Blades
of Glory” also contributes a few laughs as poor Michael
who takes in Zohan after they met over a bike accident on
the street.
to the brim with too many sexual references, the low crass
humour at times is so over the top that I feel bad laughing
over it. Take for example a scene involving kicking the house
cat. Cat lovers might not take too kindly over the actions
although it’s just a dummy cat substituting for the
real one but still it’s not a very good example for
the kids. The cast seems to be having lots of fun improvising
the dialogue and nearly everyone speaks with a weird accent
with the exception of Michael. You simply can’t think
straight when you are surrounded by amused audience in the
preview hall.
sensitiveness of the Israel-Palestinians political issue won’t
be much of a concern given the absurdness of the plot. Heck,
despite the writers’ good intention to conceal some
deeper message towards the end, I’m afraid the audience
will remember more of Zohan’s offensive package than
anything else.
(Just let yourself go and lap up Sandler’s humour
for once)
Review by Linus Tee