Genre: Action/Thriller
Director: Pete Travis
Cast: Dennis Quaid, Matthew Fox, Forest Whitaker,
Sigourney Weaver, William Hurt
RunTime: 1 hr 30 mins
Released By: Columbia TriStar
Rating: PG
Official Website:
Opening Day: 20 March 2008
In Columbia Pictures' action-packed thriller "Vantage
Point," eight strangers with eight different points of
view try to unlock the one truth behind an assassination attempt
on the president of the United States. Thomas Barnes (Dennis
Quaid) and Kent Taylor (Mathew Fox) are two Secret Service
agents assigned to protect President Ashton (William Hurt)
at a landmark summit on the global war on terror. When President
Ashton is shot moments after his arrival in Spain, chaos ensues
and disparate lives collide in the hunt for the assassin.
In the crowd is Howard Lewis (Forest Whitaker), an American
tourist who thinks he’s captured the shooter on his
camcorder while videotaping the event for his kids back home.
Also there, relaying the historic event to millions of TV
viewers across the globe, is American TV news producer Rex
Brooks (Sigourney Weaver). As they and others reveal their
stories, the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place –
and it will become apparent that shocking motivations lurk
just beneath the surface.
Movie Review:
Vantage Point is, unapologetically, a gimmick movie, and on
that level it works. It’s refreshing to see a film based
around politics that isn’t preachy, doesn’t have
an agenda, and instead just goes for straight-up frenetic
action. That’s not to say it doesn’t become maddening
repetitive at times, but the final twenty minutes and some
nice twists make the whole thing worthwhile. Word of mouth
and media has rather condemned this piece as an unnessasary
23-min dragged out film, its rather a personal guilty pleasure
and a style of writing since an early age. It has political
aspects that interweave the plot but it’s not particularly
dialogue-driven. Couple this with a Rashomon effect-type of
storytelling, and it’s basically one of the funnest
forms of cinema.
is tight when President Ashton (William Hurt) attends the
global war on terror summit in Spain. Agent Thomas Barnes
(Dennis Quaid), who took a bullet for the President just a
year prior, is back on the job. Unfortunately, a gunman successfully
shoots the President and sets off a bomb in the town square,
killing many. Trying to make sense what happened, Barnes searches
for clues, running through the madness, being told from eight
different points of view, with each perspective revealing
a new clue.
viewers will feel cheated by the fact that they are only getting
23 minutes of plot replayed over and over again to make a
90 minute movie. It seems funny after a while as, after each
vantage point, it is all rewound and started again. You know
the climactic elements and each time it is only for character
and plot definition. The gimmick at the heart of Vantage Point
- the same event is shown from the perspective of several
different characters - ultimately proves to be a fresh element
within the proceedings, as the film improves considerably
once it adopts a linear structure somewhere around the one-hour
mark. Plus with each new telling, there's twist thrown in
that makes you rethink everything you thought you saw. Or
at least some of it.
storyline - which revolves around the events leading up to
and following the assassination of the President (William
Hurt) - certainly seems as though it would've benefited from
a more traditional approach, with the inclusion of several
mini cliffhangers and a myriad of plot twists admittedly holding
the viewer's interest yet infusing the movie with the feel
of a similarly-themed television show (ie imagine a full season
of 24 or Alias compressed into a 90-minute feature). And while
the repetitive vibe proves instrumental in maintaining an
air of mystery, it does become difficult to overlook the increasingly
superfluous nature of the film's intricate modus operandi.
Pete Travis' hopelessly derivative, flat-out distracting directorial
choices (shaky camerawork, rapid-fire editing, etc, etc) notwithstanding,
Vantage Point's final half hour is as thrilling and exciting
as one might've hoped - though it's impossible not to wish
the filmmakers had gone for an R-rating (ie lots of people
are bloodlessly shot). The exhilarating car chase that closes
the movie is alone worth the price of admission, and it goes
without saying that fans of the various actors - particularly
Dennis Quaid and Matthew Fox - will surely find plenty here
worth embracing.
it’s a solid flick that kept me engaged all throughout.
It’s far from perfect, and I believe the ending was
an afterthought and could have benefited from a few more revisions,
but proves to be an innovative roller coaster that is well
worth the price of admission. Don't look for deep meanings,
though. What is important is that it's top-notch entertainment
from our vantage point.
adrenelin action piece that will have you keep gasping for
Review by Lokman BS