Genre: Thriller/Drama/Crime /Action
Director: Michael Davis
Cast : Monica Bellucci, Clive Owen, Paul Giamatti,
Greg Bryk, Stephen McHattie, Ramona Pringle, Jane McLean
1 hr 26 mins
Released By: Warner Bros
Rating: M18
Official Website:
Opening Day: 27 September 2007
gritty, fast-paced action thriller, Shoot ‘Em Up kicks
into high gear with a memorable opening scene and never relents.
Clive Owen stars as Mr. Smith, a mysterious loner who teams
up with an unlikely ally (Monica Belluci) to protect a newborn
baby from a determined criminal (Paul Giamatti) who hunts
them throughout the bowels of the city. Shoot ‘Em Up
is written and directed by Michael Davis (Monster Man).
Movie Review:
With a title like Shoot 'Em Up, one can hardly expect this
movie to have a decent plot and in-depth character developments.
Instead the movie set out to live up to its billing by having
the lead character blasting off the baddies akin to a first
person shooting game right from the very start. Blood spills,
over-the-top gun sequences and testosterone driven dialogues
and actions are the true essence of this movie. Add to that,
the ever voluptuous Monica Bellucci to steam up the screen,
what we get is a "popcorn" movie that will surely
appeal to the most nihilistic beast in all of us.
the main cast hardly flex their acting chomps due obviously
to the script and limited plot, we still get a somewhat entertaining
performances from them. Both Owen and Giamatii when they are
not trying to outsmart and outshoot each other, manage to
squeeze in some considerable time partaking and exchanging
some really cheesy dialogues with each other.
"You know what I really hate most?" muttered Owen
with a deadpan expression over the bullet riddens body of
Giamatti. "Pussy with guns." before pulling the
trigger that blows the bugger's head off.
On the other hand, Monica Bellucci being Monica Bellucci,
was obviously cast in the movie to up the sexual quotient
and provide some eye candy relief to the general audience
who has to sit through all the slaughtering and splattering
of body parts on the big screen one scene after another.
The main attraction of the movie however is without a doubt
the numerous gunfight scenes. While not as slick and balletic
as those depicted in John Woo's movie, kudos must still be
given to writer-director Michael Davis for devising and coming
up with non-stop unique and innovative action pieces over
the span of 86 minutes. He seems to relish upping the ante
as the movie progresses along, from the bizarre to the simply
outlandish. In one scene, we see Owen mows down Giamatti's
henchmen with nonchalant ease while engaging in some hot steamy
love-making with Belluci and in the other, we have Smith and
the baddies, shooting at each other as they free fall through
mid-air and finally culminating in the closing scene with
Owen having the time of his life as he plays around with a
bunch of dim-witted robbers using just his what else, gun
and eh a stick of carrot.
not exactly smokin' hot, Shoot 'Em Up, with all its non-stop
pulsating actions, corny quips and luscious sex scene, manage
to provide the audience with just enough chessy B-movie entertainment
on a lazy Saturday afternoon. And if you do intend to catch
the movie, make a note to remind yourself to bring along a
pair of earplugs for good measure.
Movie Rating:
(A good clean senseless fun of a movie that won't
let you view a carrot the same way again)
Review by Chee Kong