Spanish with English and Chinese Subtitles
Genre: Horror/Thriller
Director: Rigoberto Castañeda
Cast: Iliana Fox, Adrià Collado, Raúl
Méndez, Julián Álvarez, Carlos Aragon,
Everardo Arzate
RunTime: 1 hr 46 mins
Released By: Cathay-Keris Films
Rating: NC-16 (Horror & Some Violence)
Opening Day: 27 November 2008
After the tragic death of their mother when they were children,
twin sisters Agata and Catalina Hameran developed a special
skill, a way of communicating without speaking, a “link”
between them. After a mysterious accident on Kilometer 31,
Agata falls into a coma. Catalina, thanks to their “link”,
feels the pain and tragedy that her sister is going through
at the time of the accident. Following a series of supernatural
events, Catalina realizes that their “link” is
stronger than ever and that her sister Agata is screaming
for help from her unconscious state. Catalina is now determined
to find out what really happened to her sister in order to
help her wake up. Nuño, Agata’s long time friend,
and Omar, Catalina’s boyfriend, agree to help her. But
they soon find out that not only is Agata in a coma, but she
is also trapped between reality and an ancient legend, the
legend of La Llorona.
Movie Review:
Let's count the number of cliches - scary women, check, demonic
kid, check, plot involving water, check, plot involving some
incident from childhood, check, twin sisters, check, doors
that open by themselves, check, voices calling out to you,
check, white noise from television, check, and the list goes
Written and directed by Rigoberto Castaneda, this Mexican-Spanish
production got riddled with cliche after cliche, though some
may argue that it tried to incorporate some of the best atmospheric
elements from Asian horror of late, then try to whip up something
complex in order to impress. It might seem that Castaneda
is a fan of Asian horror, and in this film, tried to pay homage
to some of the brighter moments that define the genre.
Unfortunately, he had forgotten one crucial point, that everything
still boiled down to the strength of the story. Technically,
one can't find fault with the film, because it was gorgeously
shot with above average production values. The special effects
were nifty, and credit must go to the make up artists for
some really disturbing images of wounds and the look of the
phantasms and the dead. Given that the inaugural 3D festival
in Singapore had just past, there were enough moments in this
film to have made the festival proud, should they be translated
or done in 3D instead. I'd think that most in the audience
would get jolted out of their seats if you have spectral ghouls
charging right at you.
So technical strength aside, KM31 had its brakes applied throughout
the journey, that there was something holding the story back
from developing fully. So what was delivered, was a half-baked
plot that needed more time to be fully fleshed out. There
were subplots thrown around at various times that don't get
addressed adequately. Take for instance, the potential for
a major blow up between the relationships of Catalina (Iliana
Fox), her beau Nuno (Adria Collado) and her twin sister Agata's
beau Omar (Raul Mendez). There's plenty of room here for some
seriously screwed up exploration whether one would fall in
love with a twin just because she looks the same, or have
harboured secret thoughts of furthering the relationship behind
a comatose sister's back. The story teased with the thought,
then decided to retract and have everything resolved fine
and dandy.
Or what's with the suggestion of more than meets the eye with
Catalina and Agata's mother, with dalliance on some hanky-panky
involved in what was either a drowning, or a resurrection
from a bathtub (ok I am making fun of the scene here). But
while other films just blatantly screamed and tie all their
loose ends in verbatim, KM31 decided it was pretty cool to
leave these ends alone, adding to unsatisfactory conclusions,
because you'd wonder what's the point given the ending headed
in its decided direction with nary any involvement or significance
from this.
Scenes like these creep their way into the film just because
it would be cool to have them, so that sound and visual effects
could be given an exercise, but do they add value to the story?
No, and they probably got in the way of progressing the narrative.
Which of course frustrates given that when stripped down of
these unnecessary bells and whistles, the core is pretty much
a very ordinary tale with a very ordinary plot development,
spiced up by the occasional scare every now and then, depending
on your threshold that would make you jump.
It stills makes for a decent horror movie though, but expect
nothing great since the overall story just underwhelms.
Movie Rating:
(Perpetually stuck in 2nd gear throughout)
Review by Stefan Shih