Genre: Drama
Director: Woody Allen
Cast: Ewan McGregor, Colin Farrell, Tom Wilkinson,
Sally Hawkins, Hayley Atwell
RunTime: 1hr 48 mins
Released By: Festive Films
Rating: PG
Official Website:
Opening Day: 3 April 2008
Set in contemporary London, "Cassandra's Dream"
is a powerful and thrilling story about two brothers (Ewan
McGregor, Colin Farrell) who are desperate to better their
troubled lives. One is a chronic gambler in debt over his
head, and the other is a young man in love with a beautiful
actress (newcomer Hayley Atwell) he has recently met. Their
lives gradually become entangled into a sinister situation
with intense and unfortunate results.
Movie Review:
Woody Allen’s London trilogy closes with a whimper in
“Cassandra’s Dream”. In a culmination of
Allen’s sustained misanthropy, this trilogy (along with
“Match Point”, “Scoop”) continues
to canvas the moral complexities inherent in his entire oeuvre,
where the petty motivations of a misdeed and its postmortem
of soulless brooding are wanly gazed at by an omnipresent
moralist, the mode Allen once again condescendingly occupies
with no real concern for either victims nor criminals or for
that matter, anyone else caught in the middle.
is a curiously self-contained endeavour. With “Match
Point”, he returned to the scene of his “Crimes
and Misdemeanors”, exploring with a freshly glazed eye
its characters’ tumble into a moral morass tipsy with
self-loathing bourgeois officiousness. In “Cassandra’s
Dream”, Allen merely repurposes “Match Point”
to bookend his sojourn into London’s social classes
(from his first film’s look at the upper-class to the
middle-class in “Scoop” and here, its working-class)
as he looks with one eye towards the greener pastures of Barcelona.
lifeless and drenched with a moody cynicism, Allen finds no
comfort in the world of desperate men. Underachieving brothers
Terry (Colin Farrell) and Ian (Ewan McGregor) live large while
bills and debts go unpaid. Terry’s a feckless gambler
who looks for small payday, while Ian, with a more precise
and ruthless ambition, looks for his financial escape through
high-risk, high-return ventures in speculative property deals
as he works his way out of his father’s modest restaurant.
Uncle Howard (Tom Wilkinson) is their ideal. A self-made millionaire,
with a house in California and opportunities in China, Howard’s
bailed his family out of financial ruin a few times. His ominous
return to London coincides with the brothers’ sudden
and frantic need for money. The dangerously fuelled idea of
family is invoked many times in Allen’s story; from
the moment Howard proposes a blood-laced quid pro quo to the
point when a final meal is acquiesced with a loved one.
falls back on broadly drawn characters, stilted theatrics,
painfully obvious exposition and overwritten insights on the
human condition when faced with remorse, torment and the roots
of evil. The film is by no means witless but merely passionless
in its connotations to pretentious Greek tragedies. The key
premise falls short when it stumbles the second the deed is
done when Ian coasts through the waves of guilt of which Terry
bears its full brunt just as he wises up to his brother’s
self-referential, Allen knows the place of each and every
character and what they represent in the film’s final
tableau but just lacks the panache to present them as more
than just pieces to a puzzle. The title itself signifies a
Greek tragedy in the offing but only hints at the idea of
truth being spoken and unfortunately heard, whereas Cassandra
in the original Greek myth portents the truth and was never
(Never kicks off from first-gear, bloated with Allen’s
affected insights that blunders its way into an ineffectual
final third)
Review by Justin Deimen