Gabriel Chong | 21 October 2010
Affleck isn’t the name that comes to mind when
you think of gritty heist films a la Heat or crime dramas
like The Departed, but his latest “The Town”
is about to change that. Affleck stars, co-wrote and
directed the Boston-set thriller- based on the Chuck
Hogan novel “Prince of Thieves”- which has
garnered solid reviews (95% “Fresh” rating
on RottenTomatoes), robust box-office numbers and even
Oscar buzz. How’s that for an actor who was once
considered the easy punchline of a joke?
started out in Hollywood in the early 90s with bit roles
in indie films like “School Ties” and “Dazed
and Confused” before taking Hollywood by storm
with “Good Will Hunting”. Co-writing the
screenplay of that movie with a then-equally unknown
Matt Damon, the duo sold it for $600,000, landed auteur
Gus Van Sant as director, took the lead roles in the
film and finally leaped onto stage at the Shrine Auditorium
to take home the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.
meteoric rise quickly elevated him to leading-man status
and Affleck got top-billing in two Jerry Bruckheimer
blockbusters- “Armageddon” and “Pearl
Harbour”- in between other equally high-profile
projects like “Daredevil” and “Gigli”.
But a stint in rehab in 2001 and an embarrassing relationship
with Jennifer Lopez that also spawned the awful flop
of “Gigli” cost him dearly, and soon Affleck
was back to indie films like “Jersey Girl”
and “Hollywoodland”. The failure of studio
fare like “Surviving Christmas” further
sealed his fate as box-office poison, and many did not
hesitate to label him as a “has-been”.
Town” deserves to be appreciated in this light-
it is a revival that looks set to ignite Affleck’s
career the same way “Good Will Hunting”
did when he was just 25, and the comparison isn’t
lost on him. “That moment—before Good Will
Hunting—and this moment now are really similar
periods in my life,” he said in an interview with
Entertainment Weekly. “Good Will Hunting was a
sort of Hail Mary idea, where we were young enough not
to realize how foolish it was. And now, with this second
period of my life, I wanted to start over. I wanted
to reboot my career.”
reboot actually began three years back with the similarly
Boston-set crime thriller “Gone Baby Gone”
which marked Affleck’s first foray into directing.
Affleck said of his decision to step behind the camera:
“It was the only option I felt I had to do good
work, because the quality of scripts I was seeing was
just getting worse and worse. I felt like I was either
going to believe in myself and try directing, or just
give in. And I decided, ‘I am going to walk the
plank, and maybe there will be sharks and maybe there
taut pacing and an assured realism of the working-class
lives it portrayed, “Gone Baby Gone” earned
him newfound respect among critics- though they remained
cautious if Affleck’s return to his native Boston
was no more than a fluke. The movie was also by no means
a box-office success (earning US$20 million in limited
release during its theatrical run) but it was enough
to convince Warner Bros. that he may just be the right
guy for “The Town”.
Jeff Robinov, president of its film group, and Alan
F. Horn, Warner’s chief operating officer, saw
potential in Affleck. “The Boston ambience brought
out the best in Affleck,” Horn said in an interview
with the New York Times. “It is as comfortable
for Ben as New York is for Scorcese.” Even so,
Affleck himself was initially wary- he didn’t
want to be pigeon-holed, partly because another director,
Adrian Lyne, had been trying to make the film, and partly
because he feared becoming too closely identified with
stories rooted in the blue-collar environs of Boston.
was nervous about directing the movie because I thought
it would pigeon-hole me as Boston Crime Johnny, but
I wanted to play this part,” Affleck said of his
character, Doug McCray, the bank robber with a conscience
trying to get out of the life of crime he has known
all his life. “Boston is an environment and it's
just something I'm familiar with and it's a bit of a
crutch. But I saw in the movie different elements that
wanted to be combined in an unusual way.”
doesn’t mean directing the movie was a breeze
for Affleck. For starters, he actually grew up in the
more-affluent neighbourhood of Cambridge, away from
Charlestown where the film is set. Affleck said that
while he had definitely heard of the place, he didn’t
know enough about it. So to prepare for the movie, he
talked to FBI agents and visited former bank robbers
in prison. Insuring the ex-convicts, he said, was a
problem. Even more difficult was persuading parole officers
to let his consultants handle guns- even fake ones-
in scenes.
the greatest challenge for Affleck was pulling double
duty both in front and behind the camera. “It
was really challenging to do both. I'm still new to
directing and I need all my time and focus and the acting
takes some time away from that,” he said. He describes
his approach to directing as providing an environment
that his actors would feel comfortable in- “where
they would feel they could take risks, give their own
ideas, what they’ve thought about and what they’ve
worked on, to try different things”.
wanted to create a world where they’re completely
free, supported, loved, admired, at ease and that they
are not rushed. I think if you do that you take away
a lot of the sub-consciousness and artificialness and
panic that can happen just before someone shouts ‘action‘.
That feeling closes people down,” he added. Already,
Affleck has won praise from his actors.
Amy Ryan who won a Best Supporting Actress nomination
for her role in “Gone Baby Gone” said that
what impressed him most was how he treated the nonprofessional
actors on set. “Some of the locals who were cast
in the film, they’d never acted before, and so
they might be way off the mark. And Ben would kill them
with kindness. ‘That was great! Now can you try
it like this?’ He always built everybody up. And
that’s how you get great performances.”
Now that he’s coaxed Oscar-worthy performances
out of respected actors like Jon Hamm, Jeremy Renner
and Chris Cooper, Affleck has just about established
himself as a serious and legitimate filmmaker in Hollywood.
There was talk that Affleck was offered directing duties
on the reboot of Superman- until Zack Synder was confirmed-
and if Horn’s words are anything to go by, it
seems that Affleck might just be the studio’s
new perennial.
Affleck is keenly aware that many in Hollywood would
be quick to label him as a comeback kid. “It’s
a little bit more complicated than that in my case,”
he said. “Because my life has had a lot of different
twists and a lot of different ways in which sometimes
I’ve tried to do things and worked really hard,
and it hasn’t worked. And sometimes I’ve
worked equally hard, and it has.”
“If anything, it’s kind of a drift, a natural
progression over the last five, six years. Maybe it’s
being more mature, or just being interested in different
kinds of movies—making Hollywoodland and making
Gone, Baby, Gone, and making State of Play, and this
movie.” Hollywood loves a good comeback- and “The
Town” has placed Ben Affleck right square on that
road of return. .
TOWN opens 21 October 2010


HARBOR (2001)




TOWN ((2010)