
It’s never an easy feat to organize a banquet in reality and seems it’s not a smooth progress in doing the preparation work for the promotional tour for the movie, “The Banquet” either. Originally, the main star of the period epic drama, Ziyi Zhang was scheduled to arrive here in the heart of Lion City with co-star Daniel Wu. But due to some hiccups, the international starlet is unable to attend. Apparently, Shaw has splurged thousands of dollars on Miss Zhang and her entourage’s hotel suite, air tickets etc. So it’s quite a pity for both the audience and the movie distributor.
Nevertheless, we have the metrosexual-looking and leading men in today’s HK film industry, Daniel Wu right here with us at The Oriental. Despite strict security around the Marina area (IMF meeting anyone?), moviexclusive.com manages to squeeze into the press conference of “The Banquet” on time and here’s our report and gasp close up session with the charming Daniel. Girls, are you listening? And we never forget those who submitted their questions prior to us on our “Ask the Stars” column. Now it’s time to see if your questions are answered.
Congratulations to the following "interviewers" who's questions were chosen during the interview:
- Elisia Loh - What is your favourite scene or unforgettable scene? Any interesting things happen during the shooting?
- Susan Leong - Are you attached? What kind of gal do you like? Do you believe in long distance relationship?
- Medjgan Morad - Can you identify with the characters you played? Why do you think people should watch the movie?
- Mervin T
- What are the factors that made you decide to act in this movie, is it the plot/the director or character you are acting is not the same as your previous movies? Do you prefer to star in period movies or contemporary movies?
How do you stay fit & healthy being an actor with a busy schedule?
Without further blabbering, presenting video cast…

Report by: Linus Tee | Interview by: Mohamad Shaifulbahri | Photos: Lokman B S | Videos: Lokman B S & Linus Tee |
Contest/Admin Coordinator: Richard Lim Jr |
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