Bin |
Kwon Tae |
Hae Suk |
Tuesday 11 Jan 2005, Korea Superstar
Won Bin was at Jurong East’s IMM to
promote his new film "My Brother"
with Director Ahn Kwon Tae and Producer
Chung Hae Suk. The shy and undoubtedly good
looking actor apologized for not being able
to come to Singapore for the promotion of
his last film, "Brotherhood",
last year as he was busy filming "My
Brother" during that period.
Nevertheless, he was very happy to see the
support that his fans showed for his new
film "My Brother".
started sharing with us that, unlike the
character he portrayed in "My Brother",
he would not fight with his brother over
a girl and neither did he had any brawls
with his classmates before. The differences
grew wider as, in the movie, his character
had a crush on an attractive classmate and
in real life, he unwilling revealed that
he never had any crush on anyone before
and instead of him sending love letters,
he was on the receiving end and had taken
good care of those letters.
he was further questioned on how he might
go about wooing a girl, he shyly avoided
replying that question. Perhaps to please
most of his fans here (and maybe to uphold
his shy boy image!) or perhaps he really
do not need to make any moves as he might
very well be used to girls flocking to him
like bees to honey.
such vast differences between the role he
played and his personality, he revealed
that he needs only a good script to immerse
himself into the role. Once submerged in
that role, this versatile actor would be
able to cry on cue or turn into the troublemaker,
and the director added, once Won Bin is
into any role, he does not require any aid
from anyone, even the director.
the Korean visitors were asked about their
most memorable part of the film, "My
Brother", all three visitors had different
Won Bin, the most memorable part would be
near the end when he climbed up the tree
and thought of his brother. The director,
Ahn Kwon Tae, however, added that his favourite
part of the film was when Won Bin collected
photographs at a photo developing shop and
was asked who took those photos. For the
producer, Chung Hae Suk, the most touching
part for him was the scene when the brothers
had a fight at the doorstep of their home
their mother had to intervene.
from the film "My Brother", it
seems that the media and fans are more worried
about Won Bin’s superstar status after
he enlists in the army. He seems to be the
least affected by the pending enlistment
for National Service. He is not worried
that he might lose his appeal or popularity
with his fans after a two-year absence,
instead he is confident of maturing to bring
a different type of appeal to his fans.
unsure what the future holds for him after
his stint in National Service, Won Bin is
sure of one thing, he will definitely miss
his family, friends and his fans when he
is away.
Click here for our review of My Brother.
here for discuss about the movie My Brother
in our forum..
Richard Lim Jr | Photos: Lokman B.S. | Layout:
Lokman B.S.
