Genre: Comedy/Romance
Director: Robert Allan Ackerman
Cast: Brittany Murphy, Toshiyuki Nishida, Tammy Blanchard, Sohee Park, Kimiko Yo
RunTime: 2 hrs 2 mins
Released By: Shaw
Rating: PG
Official Website:
Opening Day: 7 May 2009
Abruptly abandoned by her boyfriend, a young American woman (Murphy) finds herself suddenly alone and adrift in Tokyo. Lost in the shuffle of a foreign culture, and seeking to console herself, Abby winds up hanging out in her neighborhood ramen shop.
observing the magical effects of the shop's ramen on the customers,
Abby convinces herself that her true path in life is to become
a ramen chef. Abby persuades the shop's tyrannical, temperamental
Japanese master chef to teach her the art of making ramen.
And although their relationship is contentious and rocky,
they both discover the most important ingredient of all -
that each ramen bowl must contain a universe of feeling and
truly be a gift from the heart.
Movie Review:
Truth be told, between the Udons and the Sobas and the Ramens,
I'd prefer a bowl of Ramen anytime, and the variety you can
find in Japan just boggles the mind. And I guess anything
that has that exotic flavour, becomes fair game once the West
decides to make a movie out of it. From sports car drifting
to martial arts to ballroom dancing, the inevitable has happened
in a fusion of sorts, with a blonde, needy American girl finding
herself dumped, and finds solace in a bowl of noodles.
But it's not just any bowl of noodle. It's one that warms
the soul the way chicken soup does, and thus paving the way
for the direction-less girl, Abby (Brittany Murphy) to try
and do whatever it takes to become the protege of the ramen
chef Maezumi (the veteran Toshiyuki Nishida). Tacky film poster
aside, you know the drill with waxing-on-and-waxing-off, where
skills are never imparted directly, but indirectly through
seemingly meaningless tasks assigned.
And so it provides the fuel in which this film simmers under,
with the never ending clash of cultures made all the more
difficult, and probably more realistic, since the characters
on both sides fail to communicate through language. Those
who often complain that characters learn languages in record
time, might nod in agreement that it's the chicken and duck
talk that happens more often than not. While it provides some
avenue for comedy, it soon wears out its welcome, and becomes
rather tiring and tedious.
Director Robert Allan Ackerman may have tried to bite off
more than he could chew, with the introduction of so many
subplots, that many had to be dropped because of the mantra
of having too many cooks spoiling a good thing. Characters
come and go, and subplots become half-baked without giving
some opportunity for them to flesh out. Even the so-called
set up of a duel between rival noodle houses fail inject any
sense of excitement, though it was an excuse to introduce
a ramen grand master played by Tsutomu Yamazaki, whom many
will probably recognize from the films Departures and Climbers
Departures co-star Kimiko Yo plays the composed wife to Nishida's
fiery Maezumi, and delivers her fair share of sympathy toward
an often crying Abby. Nishida and Brittany Murphy seem to
be playing a specific emotion throughout the film, with him
being bad tempered and moody, and she being a cry-baby. Those
who subscribe to girl-power would likely balk at the way the
protagonist Abby just flips and roll over when her jerk boyfriend
Ethan (Gabriel Mann) decides to leave her in Tokyo, though
Murphy looks immensely comfortable crying her heart out here,
whether being lost in emotion, or out of frustration in learning
how to cook the perfect ramen, which incidentally, the film
decides to super-fast-forward her practical education.
Curiously lensed in a video-like quality and succumbing to
making everything Japanese seem exotic, I was surprised that
this film is already making its rounds on a local cable television
network. There are some bits of it that you'll find yourself
enjoying or chuckling to, and the good ol' lessons that the
best things in life often come from the heart and deep within,
ultimately it's the zero-to-hero formula packaged a little
differently with fairy dust sprinkled for the finale.
(Missing an ingredient - the X-factor - to make it
Review by Stefan Shih