Genre: Drama/Action/Adventure/Fantasy/Thriller
Director: Chris Weitz
Cast: Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, Dakota
Blue Richards, Eva Green, Clare Higgins, Ian McShane
RunTime: 1 hr 53 mins
Released By: Warner Bros
Rating: PG
Official Website:
Opening Day: 6 December 2007
In an epic trilogy that transcends genre, author Philip Pullman
invents a world parallel to ours, but with fantastic dimensions
all its own. Pulse-pounding action is paired with gorgeous
imagery to create a touching story in a world where demons
and winged creatures live among ordinary humans, and an elusive
entity called Dust has the power to unite the universes. The
Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass are
magical tools used in the battle of good against evil in an
imaginative – yet – utterly original – reworking
the Garden of Eden and the Fall of Man.
Movie Review:
With so many great works of literature dumbed down and neutered
for the moviegoers, fans of Philip Pullman’s His Dark
Materials trilogy will understandably approach this studio-approved
adaptation of the saga’s first act with some trepidation.
Its starts of an introduction of an alternate universe similar
to our own, 12-year-old Lyra Belacqua (Dakota Blue Richards)
lives a life of erudition and relative comfort as the ward
of her uncle Jordan College elder Lord Asriel (Daniel Craig).
Against the orders of the ruling elite known as the Magisterium,
the college sends their esteemed colleague deep into the Arctic
Circle investigate a mysterious element intriguingly called
Dust. He believes this element can bridge the gap between
worlds, a thesis those in political power do not want to see
surrounding the religious (or anti-religious, depending upon
your point of view) implications of Philip Pullman’s
“His Dark Materials” trilogy aside, director Chris
Weitz’s adaptation of The Golden Compass is a definite
mixed bag. At times this film soars to the heavens like Scoresby’s
airship, other times it crashes to earth like a wilting flower
unable to find the sun. The filmmaker can never find a consistent
tone or create an exhilarating enough momentum to keep things
satisfying. Yet for every disappointing turn there is a sequence
of unparalleled majesty, and even though the final taste left
by the picture is decidedly bittersweet my interest is piqued
just enough to wonder where things are going to go next.
I’ve never read the author’s acclaimed novels,
so the final outcome between this battle between the forces
of humanistic free will and rigidly dogmatic fundamentalism
is one I’m curious to see play out. Not that I’m
probably going to get the opportunity. New Line isn’t
going to finance two more adaptations if this one isn’t
a smash, and considering Pullman’s trilogy doesn’t
quite have the same pedigree of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis
or J.K. Rowling’s set of fantastical tales I seriously
doubt people are going to turn out in quite the same numbers
at the multiplex.
unfortunately I can’t really blame them. Much of Weitz’s
script is unfocused, the filmmaker cramming as much exposition
into each frame as he can trying to keep his running time
just under two hours. But there’s too much here, too
many characters, cultures, scientific marvels and spiritual
miracles to keep track of without a bit more in the way of
explanation. People fly in from nowhere, say a few important
lines and then disappear once more without a trace. All the
while little Lyra is supposed to absorb all they have to offer
blindly without taking the time to ponder the consequences,
making friends and enemies so quickly if you blink she’s
probably got three more of each by the time you’ve reopened
your eyes.
only it all held together just tiny bit better. This is a
movie simply begging for another 20 or so minutes, yearning
for the director to have slowed the momentum down and taken
a little extra time to flesh out and craft his characters.
There is also something almost arrogant about the way Weitz
chooses to end his story with a cliffhanger almost as jarring
and infuriating as the one found at the tail end of Back to
the Future, Part II, things so literally up in the air I actually
wanted to scream in disgust.
from the other Oxford to the ice kingdom of Svalbard, the
production is impressively realised. Richards is a likeable
lead and the well-judged performances of Kidman and Asriel
bode well for the next two instalments.
while The Golden Compass doesn’t have time to clarify
all the book’s complexities - and Iorek’s battle
to the death may prove rather too intense for the really young
- over the years to come, this film will no doubt be analysed
to death. It is a flawed work, and it's not a perfect translation
of the book, but as a film in its own right it's well worth
seeing. It’s as welcome a retreat from this old England
as Hogwarts, Narnia or Middle Earth.
rambling emsemble of alteranate universe and magic that is
just merely an invitation to future adventures.)
Review by Lokman BS