Director: Sebastian Gutierrez
Cast: Lucy Liu, Michael Chiklis, Carla Gugino,
James D'Arcy
RunTime: 1 hr 40 mins
Released By: GV
Rating: M18
Official Website:
Day: 19 July 2007
Sadie (LUCY LIU) is an investigative reporter who
has stumbled upon an underground cult that is attracting the
young hipsters of Los Angeles. When these kids start disappearing
then turning up dead, she wants to understand why. In the
midst of her investigation, she herself falls prey to the
mastermind behind all the gruesome murders and nothing is
the same again.
When Sadie awakes in the dark, pushing her way out into the
light, she discovers she’s not alive, but she’s
not dead either. As she traipses through the seedy underbelly
of downtown Los Angeles, her senses are reeling-- she must
feed to quench her thirst and blood is the nourishment she
needs. How can she kill innocent people to satisfy her craving?
Why is she alive when she should be dead?
I'll cut straight to the point. This is such a bad
movie it turned out to be unintentionally funny. Instead of
a horror thriller, you get a juvenile sex comedy, where almost
every girl in the movie can't wait to shed their clothes,
and almost everyone spout lines of dialogue that is as uninspiring
as reading the ingredients printed on a cereal box.
and directed by Sebastian Gutierrez, Rise: Blood Hunter tried
so hard to be a new age vampire movie, with its conscientious
attempts in not mentioning the word "Vampire" (you're
not wrong if you think of it as a movie about zombies), and
tries to be hip in not having its undead beings possess fangs.
This makes for a lack of that elegance, and instead, you get
a bloody mess, all puns fully intended. Clearly with a lack
of direction, this movie spends a number of scenes just having
characters walk around aimlessly along dark narrow corridors,
in weak attempts to tout itself as relying on atmospherics
to deliver the chills.
the number of references the story adapted from others, will
make you go "hmm, haven't I seen this before"? It
doesn't try too hard to mask obvious cliches, and all you
get is a clumsy amalgamation of movies from similar genres.
Liu plays Sadie Blake, an investigative reporter from LA Weekly
whose article on the underground goth scene sees her being
trapped and violated by those beings who want to protect their
anonymity. While they thought she's left for dead, Fate sees
that she gets resurrected, as the same undead being, now lusting
for revenge. Sounds like a storyline straight out of The Crow,
or even Kill Bill Volume II in the way she busts herself out
from confinement.
it gets cheesier as she follows their style in her crusade
against those who did her in, except that it's less violent
and less flashy compared to the two afore mentioned movies.
Picking up tips and tricks from Marvel's Elektra and Blade,
she too has a mentor who teaches her the ways to some hokey
voodoo magic with her weapon of choice, a crossbow which shoots
toothpick thin wooden stakes. Sadie Blake has one mission,
and she doesn't mind dishing out collateral damage to help
keep herself alive, so much so that you do not know whether
to root for her, or condemn her for her weak will.
unlike the other movies which made it fun following the hunter,
Rise: Blood Hunter had to throw Michael Chiklis into the fray
as a detective (what else?), and totally relegated his role
that it became no more interesting than Lucy Liu's body double
for her nude bits. And Chikils is not the only fine actor
given nothing to do, as the late Mako unfortunately has this
stinker in his filmography as his last starring role. The
villains are probably the weakest you've seen (even Ghost
Rider's had more bite), with absolutely zero powers except
for pseudo-immortality - no super strength, no super speed,
just plenty of hot air and an ultra high libido. Copious amount
of thick red blood add colour to scenes
a death scene lifted from Goldfinger (replace gold with blood),
you just wonder if there's any original thought that went
into the movie. Filled with bad acting, poorly shot action
scenes, cringe-worthy dialogue and failed moments of suspense
coming across as ideas running out, do yourself a favour and
watch something else in this crowded summer season instead.

(Plays like a weak straight to video production, watch it
at your own peril!)
by Stefan Shih