Genre: Sci-Fi/Thriller
Director: Robert Rodriguez
Cast: Rose McGowan, Freddy Rodriguez, Josh
Brolin, Michael Biehn, Naveen Andrews, Electra Avellan, Elise
RunTime: 1 hr 44 mins
Released By: GV
Rating: R21
Official Website:
Opening Day: 20 September 2007
In PLANET TERROR, married doctors William
and Dakota Block (Josh Brolin and Marley Shelton) find their
graveyard shift inundated with townspeople ravaged by gangrenous
sores and a suspiciously vacant look in their eyes. Among
the wounded is Cherry (Rose McGowan), a go-go dancer whose
leg was ripped from her body during a roadside attack. Wray
(Freddy Rodriguez), her former significant other, is at her
side and watching her back. Cherry may be down, but she hasn’t
danced her last number. As the invalids quickly become enraged
aggressors, Cherry and Wray lead a team of accidental warriors
into the night, hurtling towards a destiny that will leave
millions infected, countless dead, and a lucky few struggling
to find the last safe corner of PLANET TERROR.
Movie Review:
The moment the Grindhouse main title theme starts playing
and blasting in the theatre and Rose McGowan begins sensuously
swaying her hips to perform a go-go dance, we knew we were
in for one wildly fun time. One half of Quentin Tarantino
and Robert Rodriguez’s fan-boy project that is Grindhouse,
this installment directed by Rodriguez will provide you with
104 minutes of non-stop bloody enjoyment.
sci-fi plot is amusingly silly: A bio-weapon is accidentally
released and results in humans being transformed into slimy
zombies, and it’s up to a group of survivors to save,
as ridiculous as it sounds – mankind.
if the deliberate scratchy film reel and the occasional bad
audio recordings aren’t enough to pay homage to the
old-fashioned cheap B-grade zombie movies, there are lots
of intentional bad dialogues and hilarious gory sequences
that will leave you giggling hysterically.
will be blood splattering, there will be heads exploding,
there will be limbs being eaten by zombies, and there will
be slime flying everywhere – all in the name of fun.
Amidst the moans of yuck, we can guarantee cheers of hooray
when the zombies get blown up one by one, resulting in a literal
than McGowan’s revealing two piece suit, boys will be
enthralled by her makeshift machine gun leg which actually
shoots ammunition! Other than Freddy Rodriguez’s likeable
portrayal of an ex-boyfriend who just wants his girlfriend
back, girls will love the way he rides a ridiculously small
motorbike with such charm!
than Marley Shelton’s sexy eyeliners on her lesbian
doctor’s character, boys will laugh at the sad shack
she becomes after her husband turns into a zombie to attack
her! Other than Quentin Tarantino’s uproarious turn
as a rapist, girls will have a hoot of a time seeing how his,
err, delicate private parts becomes a slop of goo!
are lots more fun to be uncovered: The chef who is determined
to concoct the best barbeque sauce, the voluptuous babysitter
twins whom we cannot get enough of, and a surprise cameo by
a certain actor likes to live free and die hard.
with a rock-steady music John Carpenter-influenced music score,
stunningly exciting cinematography by the director himself
and some impressive post production and makeup visual effects,
this flick will entertain you from start to end.
when humanity finally gets salvaged by the woman with a killer
machine gun leg, you’d be cheering her on to ensure
the safety of our planet.
(The entertaining and intentional exploitation of gore, horror
and violence will leave you screaming for more)
by John Li