Mandarin with English Subtitles
Genre: Animation
Director: Benjamin Toh
Voice Talents: JJ Lin, Jin Sha and Lin Yu
RunTime: 1 hr 18 mins
Released By: GVP
Rating: G
Day: 7 June 2007
Set at the dawn of time, a mighty dragon rules over
weather and water with the mandate of Heaven. Overlord of
rain and the seas in the mortal world, the Dragon King of
the Eastern Sea reigns supreme in his palace under the waves.
Main character, Draco the Little Dragon Prince, son and heir
to the throne of the Dragon King, is playful and rebellious.
In a moment of folly, he steals the Luminous Pearl, the ruler's
treasure and source of his power, to play with it. He is entangled
by the evil octopus Ocho – the king's archenemy –
who schemes to grab the Pearl and the power it holds.
Threatening the prince, his father and all whom he holds dear,
Ocho commands General Hermit Crab who leads a fearsome army
of swordfish, to attack the palace, and his hammerhead shark
henchmen, Hammer & Anvil, to hunt down Little Dragon.
Thus begins the little dragon's undersea journey of discovery
and redemption to save his father and kingdom, with his friends,
Sam the squid, Ping the puffer fish, Star Lee the kungfu-fighting
starfish and Museum the all-knowing clam. Also on the his
side are the wise Lobster, his tutor and adviser to the king,
and the Dragon King’s prawn army led by General Crab.
Cubix International provided Singapore's first 3D animation
film with Zodiac: The Race Begins, and in my personal opinion,
it was one of the worst movies of that year, genre-wise and
otherwise. Despite having heavyweights for the voice talents,
the voice direction seemed more like a liability especially
when they fail to deliver. It's one thing being one with the
characters you're portraying, and another just trying to read
from the script in a deadpan manner. The list of flaws goes
on, and one of the major booboos is the weak plot, nevermind
that it was adapted from classic folklore.
would imagine that things would have improved given the lessons
learnt from that dismal effort, but sadly, the same mistakes
get replayed a second time round. I'd like to give this movie
the thumbs up for effort, but seriously, in the animation
genre these days, with audiences spoilt by the Disneys and
the Pixars, Legend of the Sea doesn't cut it, and comes across
as awfully cheap in production values. In tackling a premise
set in the depths of the ocean, Disney's The Little Mermaid
and Pixar's Finding Nemo trounces it hands down with their
sheer quality. Audiences have seen animated seaworlds come
to life, and no way would they want to take multiple steps
backwards. The first 5 minutes of the film would
already put you off in its sparse sea sets, and
endless, repetitive, unrealistic water scenes.
reality of it is that the animation genre is already well
advanced and way ahead compared to our attempts, with the
big studios having an army of animators and creative talents
to bring their
imaginative creations to life. Perhaps that's what sets apart
the smaller scaled production house in churning out their
creations realistically, but that's the reality of it. The
challenges don't just stop short at the animation - poor character
designs that seem stuck with limited facial expressions, lazy
background graphics with sparsely drawn environments,
and dull colours all seem to point to a rushed job.
jump into the bandwagon would mean to meet the benchmark set
by the bigger players, or at least to carve a niche of your
own with an X-factor. But Legend failed to at least meet the
bare minimum in the technical departments. Sound design was
bad and seemed to be in mono, and the English subtitles were
sub-standard with its typographical and grammatical
errors that parents would be shocked to see on screen.
On the entertainment values, it has too many sideshow
characters voiced by virtual unknowns, and given the
bigger names attached to the project, they too
delivered their lines as if they're going through the
motions, without breathing life into their characters.
And when they break out unnaturally into song and
dance, you just want to muffle the awful tunes and
ridiculous, juvenile lyrics. Audiences, even if
they're kids, have already grown in sophistication,
and would roll their eyes at attempts to think
classical folklore was plundered for inspiration
in its storyline, but what resulted was a story with
no depth, rushing through its final moments without
any emotional impact whatsoever. In what is
essentially material for a 30 minute short film
extrapolated forcefully into an 80 minute feature,
there were a number of characters that could be done
without, if not for the sole purpose of ramping up the
cute factor.
shrewd marketing would have positioned the
movie nicely in time for the school holidays, but with
savvy kids these days, who were left flabbergasted and
speechless in the screening I attended, would probably
get the word out to their friends to enjoy other
quality animated movies from their discs collection,
or would probably find more fun in going green with
the friendly neighbourhood ogre instead.

Review by Stefan Shih
(An awful, woeful legend)