Genre: Thriller/Drama
Director: Oxide Pang
Starring: Charlene Choi, Shawn Yue and Isabella
RunTime: 1 hr 40 mins
Released By: GV
Rating: TBA
Opening Day: 26 October 2006
After breaking up with her ex-boyfriend Seth, Winnie (Charlene
Choi) falls into depression until one day when she meets Ray
(Shawn Yue). After much encouragement from best friend Yvonne
(Isabella Leong), Winnie started going out with Ray, who coincidentally
looks exactly like Seth!
relationship starts off promisingly before it turns cold after
a couple of months. Winnie, once again, set into another period
of misery. Is Ray seeing another girl behind her back?
unfolds when the murder happens…
Movie Review:
Produced by the Pang Brothers and directed by sibling Oxide
Pang, Diary is the latest release from the creative duo whose
earlier work Recycle opened a few months back. While some
of their movies have been hit-and-miss, the verdict for Diary
is difficult, as half of me thought that it was a refreshing
break from their usual horror flicks to take on something
more psychological, while the other half can think of at least
three relatively recent movies which I thought the story borrowed
a classical idea or two from.
begins without much fanfare, telling the story of a lonely
girl Winnie (Charlene Choi), whose
unrequited love for her boyfriend Seth has brought about much
misery. Only her good friend, played by Isabella Leong, shares
the grief of her breakup. One day, Winnie meets Ray (Shawn
Yue), who incidentally resembles her ex-boyfriend. The usual
questions of is he who he claimed not to be, and how their
love is going to be developed, runs through your mind, as
not too subtle hints are dropped along the way to point you
into those directions.
the first 15 minutes, you would be forgiven if you thought
this movie was one of those guy-bashing films with its almost
incessant rant on how men are cads. And though the movie is
meant to be a mystery thriller, somehow I think Oxide can't
help but to add in a few genuinely scary moments (yes, the
audience did jump), although it was in part help from the
usual techniques of loud scary noises out of the blue during
quiet moments. Also, there was a tad too much repetition given
the nature of the need to explain things, and some events,
without explanation, were unintentionally cheesy. If compared
against the movies I thought it drew inspiration from, then
Diary suffers from the lack of slickness in its delivery,
even though it was quite evenly paced in its compact 90 minutes.
anything good has resulted from this movie, it's the showcase
of Charlene Choi's acting chops in performing a role that
is miles beyond the range of what her filmography shows. For
example, her other outing recently in Jackie Chan's Rob-B-Hood
is atypical of the cutie-pie roles she gets handed. Here,
while at times being her sweet self, most times she's just
plain unglamourous in a role which called for her to act angry,
confused, vulnerable, loving, strong, and even spaced out.
Shawn Yue and Isabella Leong are relegated to supporting roles
here though, as their characters don't really have much to
do. It's all Charlene, in a break from stereotype.
the crew was predominantly Thai, you can feel the employment
of the usual techniques used in Thai horror, with plenty of
mid to close up shots and quick cuts used to provide a sense
of confusion that the characters go through. Surprisingly,
the credits were all over the place, adding to the disarray
of the narrative flow, but probably an attempt to come one
up on any of those who thought they had already figured things
this if you're a Charlene Choi fan to see how different her
role here is from the rest of what she did, or if you're a
true blue fan of the Pang Brothers works.
true gem is Charlene Choi's portrayal in a story that has
potential to be even better)
by Stefan Shih