Genre: Animation
Director: Tatsuya Nagamine
Cast: Ryoko Shinohara, Teruyuki Kagawa, Hochu Ootsuka , Mayumi Tanaka, Kazuya Nakai, Akemi Nakamura, Kappei Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Hirata, Ikue Otani, Yuriko Yamaguchi, Kazuki Yao
RunTime: 1 hr 47 mins
Rating: PG13 (Some Fighting Scenes)
Released By:  Cathay-Keris Films
Official Website: 

Opening Day: 1 February 2013

Synopsis:  The story begins with the theft of Dynarock, said to possess energy that rivals that of an ancient weapon, thus putting the New World in danger of being destroyed! The mastermind behind it is Zetto, a legendary ex-Navy admiral, who schemes to wipe out all pirates. It isn’t long before he goes after the Straw Hat Crew, too! Also chasing Luffy and his crew is the Navy’s Justice. Meanwhile, Aokiji has distanced himself from the Navy and is following the Straw Hats… Even in the face of all these mighty powers bearing down, Luffy and crew refuse to stop! With the fate of the New World at stake in this fight, this winter is going to see the hottest ONE PIECE excitement in history!!

Movie Review:

The One Piece manga is one of the most successful manga series worldwide to date. In fact, the series rank at number one for the best-selling manga in history, with over 230 million copies sold to date. Its related merchandise, games and anime receive equally positive reception, proving its unbeatable popularity among people of all ages.

One Piece Film Z is the twelfth feature film based on the manga. Like most One Piece films, this is a character story that is normally not told on the regular television anime. It opens with an immense battle scene, giving focus to the high quality graphics as well as the original sound track composed for the movie. It began well, orientating audiences to the main of the character story, Zetto.

Zetto is an ex-Navy admiral who is all set to reform and reestablish his own ideal of justice in the New World. He aims to wipe out all pirates by borrowing power from the Dynarock, and it was also revealed that he has the motive of resetting the New World. The storyline is one that was dynamic and engaging, going at lengths to explain the character and setting up the background for the story. It was exciting to watch as you journey with the Straw Hat Pirates as they race against time to defeat Zetto and to salvage the New World. Even if you were not with Luffy and gang for the most, you would still be able to understand and enjoy the movie as much.

The charms of the characters are well brought out in the movie, showcasing their colourful personalities and how this group of eccentric people and animals work together as a team. Luffy, the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, is indisputably the star of the movie. His perseverance and sheer determination to attain his goals were inspiring. And he does not even need to try hard to glue the Straw Hat Pirates together, but they simply followed him; he is indeed a born charismatic leader.

In between the animosity and perhaps violence between Zetto, the Straw Hat Pirates and the Navy, it was balanced out with the usual One Piece humour. The candidness and unique personalities surely brought out many jokes. Another bonus to watch out for is the colourful wardrobe of the Straw Hat Pirates. The costumes, namely Armani themed and red themed, were definitely not something that you get to see on the regular TV anime. The amount of detail and design put into them is nothing lack of impressive. Last but not least, another aspect that is really commendable is the accuracy of the subtitles. Trust me, it may seem minor but that makes it so much more enjoyable and easy to watch.

Overall, One Piece Film Z has got to be one of the best One Piece films to date. Complete with the fluidity of action sequences, high quality graphics and brilliant sound track, it is totally deserving of the cinematic release. Although it could get a little sluggish mid-way, the pace of the movie was still well kept altogether. Eventually it leads to a bittersweet ending, which is accompanied by the same opening soundtrack, leaving you with such a strong and poignant imagery.

Movie Rating:

(Outstanding artwork and storyline… as good as anime movie can get!)

Review by Tho Shu Ling

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