Ian has a decision; stay home and stay a virgin or drive 800 miles to lose it with an online hottie. Decision made. Now Ian and his horn-dog buddy Lance are off on a sex safari...with "BFF" baggage Felicia in tow. Their epic quest features a stolen GTO, kinky trailer park sex, a prison fight, topless Abstinence Xtreme dancers, a smart-ass Amish super-mechanic, a gun-wielding Mexican donut and Ian's "d-bag" brother in hot pursuit.
A decade ago, a cheaply made film about a bunch of horny high school students making a pact to lose their virginity grossed over US$200 million worldwide at the box-office. That film was called "American Pie".
Since then, the formula has been repetitively worked on and yes "Sex Drive" rides on the same old concept about a high school student, Ian (Josh Zuckerman) who went on a road trip to Knoxville in a desperate attempt to lose his virginity to a hot babe nicknamed Ms Tasty whom he befriend on the internet. Accompanying him is Lance (Clark Duke), a horny sweet-talker and Felicia, Ian’s best friend who happens to be a girl.
Director Sean Anders who co-wrote the script assembles a bunch of competent young unknown actors here with the exception of James Marsden and Seth Green. Zuckerman is the new Jason Biggs (American Pie) who finds himself in the most pathetic situations ever imagined while Lance is the new Stifler. There are plenty of gross out humour, naughty bits and cheap laugh but nothing over the top to turn you off. Marsden shows a campy side of him as Ian’s douchie brother and Green turns up as an amusing sarcastic Amish farmer.
There are occasional moments whereby it’s changing its gear to an endearing romance friendship dramady but like a sudden brake on the movie’s ’69 GTO, some crazy lewd bits show up to cheapen the experience. The movie is further exaggerated with a man-in-a-donut-suit-shootout in the movie’s finale. Not that I didn’t laugh at it though. In fact, I was hugely amused and surprised at some of the finer points of the plot.
In recent years, Judd Apatow brought us adult-oriented raunchy comedies such as "Knocked Up" and "Superbad" which remarkably a smart way to revive and reinvent the genre. While "Sex Drive" is definitely not in the league of a smart sex comedy, comparatively it offers a sometimes cartoony look at the perspective of today’s teens and what the internet can amazingly offer and accomplish in today’s era.
Anyone wishes to join me in checking out
This Code 3 DVD contains no extra features.
The Dolby Digital 2.0 offers clarity dialogue and the occasional ambient effects. Visual of the DVD not necessarily stands out but still acceptable.

by Linus Tee